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Mr. ISS's Story

ini adalah catatan lama di Pasar Gelap 2005 beberapa tahun yang lalu, semoga bermanfaat buat adik2 yang mau wawancara 3 menit jadi bintang di slb :)


seko joyo sing bar di interview ro SLB

Tadi pagi bangun jam setengah empat, kesusu mangan sahur karo nonton Madrid. Bar kuwi shubuh nang masjid njus turu meneh. Tangi jam wolu njus adus meh siap ning kampus. Ladalah katokku entek, padahal pengen ketemu ro pak wiwit nakoke skripsine wes dikoreksi po urung. Nganggo jeans suwek karo kaos berkerah warna biru. Tiwas arep mangkat lapu motore qodor cepol. Wah ndandani sek, njus mangkat. Lagi mlaku 200 meter ono telpon, mandek. Ternyata bu kris SLB!!
Bu kris: halo irfan apa kabar? Kamu ke novotel ya tak tunggu setengah jam, 45 menit juga gak papa, satu jam juga gak papa. Ibu masih mau sarapan juga, kesini ya ibu tadi juga manggil dua orang lain.
Wuakhh… kesusu muter balik njus ganti katoke bapakku. Langsung ning novotel.
Nyampe suruh tunggu di lobi, cuz dia sedang nginterview yang lain juga. Aku dapet giliran ketiga. Begitu giliranku langsung cek TKP di pinggir kolam renang

Aku: good morning bu kris,, salaman
Bu kris: morning irfan, how are you? Please have a seat
Aku: im good

Bu kris: yo majoring in geophysics right? have you done your fieldcamp?
Aku: yes bu, I thought you met my friend bachesha and arizal when they asking for sponsorship in Jakarta

Bu kris: when will you graduated? What is your expected GPA?
Aku: I already write my thesis bu, and now is being revised by lecture. I will defend my thesis this month (nyontong.. palingan desember) and I will follow the graduation ceremony in February with GPA 3,2

Bu kris: oke then, irfan tell me about yourself and family
Aku: my name is irfan sudrajat subroto, irfan was name of my dad’s lecture in college. He was mathematician and very smart. Then sudrajat means a higher degree in Javanese. So my dad wanted me to become a smart person with a higher degree. Subroto is my family name. I was born in bantul april 14th 1987. I spent my elementary school in Kalimantan, I mean borneo following my dad’s duty. Then I finished my junior and highschool in jogja. Then I attend a college in gadjah mada univ. majoring in geophysics since 2005. First two semesters of my study was doing well, but in the second year it was disturbed by earthquake crashed my city. So that’s why I didn’t really care my study cuz I have to take care my family first. That’s why my final GPA isn’t really high.

Bu kris: why do you interested in schlumberger?
Aku: when 2007, slb had an open recruitment in gadjah mada. One of our alumnae pak andi waluyo invited us, students to have a dinner with him. At that time he explained to us slb. He said that in slb there is so much training and high tech application. I was impressed and I would like to join with you guys (menjilat…)

Bu kris: tell me about your thesis reservoir mapping using microseism.. bla bla bla… in texas? How did you get those data?
Aku: it was started in 2008, when I was in vegas I met a dutch guy named sjoerd antonious de ridder a Stanford master student. He offered me a micro data of exxonmobil taken in cold lake, Canada. But by he time being Exxon refuse to release data to student outside Stanford. I was stopped there to take care of my field camp. Then I searching in google about paper met my interest. I found one from los Alamos then I contacted the author. He agreed to give the same data he use but not all of them. The point of my research is injection into a tight sand to increase its permeability … (arep neruske, bu kris ketoke wes ra minat ning teknis..)

Bu kris: oke good, tell me about your leadership experience
Aku: when I was in high school I was a chief of hiking club, then when I in college in 2007 – 2008 I was a president of gadjah mada geophysics student association and also SEG student chapter. My responsibilities was to make sure its member got a short course, guest lecture and field exercise. Also in field camp I was responsible for claiming fund from SEG in amount 5000 USD to pay the expenses.

Bu kris: you know that working in slb is much under pressure, how you handle this?
Aku: well I should write down the things that I should do, prioritize them. And finish each list with a right timeline. And if everything is finished according to the what I listed I think everything will be gonna be okay. No matter what pressure is.

Bu kris: very good … very good … then according to my explanation yesterday, what position you would choose?
Aku: a field engineer mam,

Bu kris: why do you choose that? Why don’t you consider petro technical engineer?
Aku: because I don’t have a strong background in geology

Bu kris: no no no… I think you will fit in there. But lets see, I will meet you with engineer user. And please be a professional when you meet him. Use shirt be neat..

Aku: yes mam, I know im sorry. I know that I should wearing a long sleeve shirt. Light colored shirt with dark trouser and pantofel shoes (boso inggrise opo? Ngawur aku ig..) hayo kesusu je bu, nak dandan ki malah telat ra sido wawancara teneh.

Bu kris: now I have a question. If you have two opportunities, no three.. you have a chance to join schlumberger, chevron and master scholarship. What will you choose?
Aku:MODARO!!! Aku mikir suwi, it is very hard question mam.. isih mikir…

Bu kris: imagine if you working in chevron, you staying in rumbai or duri. Go to office regular from 7 am to 5 pm. You staying there..
Aku: so the choice is oil company, service company and master degree right?

Bu kris: yes, you know the difference between oil and service company.
Aku: I was in intern of Newmont nusa tenggara. I wake up 5 am then going back from work in 5 pm. It was boring you know! If I working in oil company my job description is pretty same from day to day (emang ho-oh? Ngawur tenan…) it is pretty different if im working in slb, I will meet challenge, innovation and new technology. And if I take the scholarship, you know, no way that after my graduation, 2 years for example I will have the same opportunity to join slb again. So I choose slb if there 3 opportunities came to me.

Bu kris: so, you choose slb because it is dynamic?
Aku: yes mam.

Bu kris: do you have relatives in slb?
Aku: I don’t have any family working there, mam. But I have a couple friends

Bu kris: do you have any adopt in foreign? (jan jane aku ra dong maksute opo, tapi mesti karepe duwe sedulur ra ning tlatah londo)
Aku: no mam,

Bu kris: so, you will be okay if sent to Pakistan? (Pakistan opo palestin yo… lali ketoke ngomong Pakistan)
Aku: yes mam, im ready

Bu kris: in remote area?
Aku: it will be okay, I usually mountaineering and climb the cliff. So remote area is not really a problem (wah ajur tenan inggrise tekan kene)

Bu kris: are you afraid of water?
Aku: no, I can swim

Bu kris: oh you can swim? (dengan takjub.. wew)
Aku: yes

Bu kris: okay I think that’s enough..
Aku: but mam, can I have question?

Bu kris: yeah, go ahead.
Aku: mmm.. what is schlumberger contribution to support education in Indonesia, especially for college?

Bu kris: well, we have SEED (lali kepanjangane opo). It is scholarship program for poor students who willing to join our company. We also share a software into college, I think UGM has one of our license in geology engineering. So you don’t be worry. We always support education. You can check in the web..
Aku: ??

Bu kris: no, do you have anymore questions? … about me?
Aku: are you suggesting your kids to join slb?

Bu kris: my kid? My biological kid?
Aku: yes your own daughter or son?

Bu kris: I don’t have any male kid. All females. Three of them
Aku: oke

Bu kris: my kids is all female, two of them are already married. They aren’t majoring engineering. Hahaha. I want them to join slb, very want. I want to put one of them into HR position. But everytime I had dinner with them I talk about great guys I met. Very much great guys I met during working in slb. But my kid don’t really like it, because they said that all of them just proud of slb, they never proud to themselves. But I wish I have a kid working in slb. But a have a lot of kids, not biological kid of course, they all very great. They make me proud, and I usually give attention to them…
Aku: I wish I could be one of that kid (menjilat meneh … dadi kid in law jg gpp hehehehe, bener to jare anake bu kris ayu?)

Bu kris: sure you can, even if you don’t jon in slb you still could be my kid (wek?)
Aku: thank you

Bu kris: well, irfan I think that’s enough. Mmm you know just keep in touch with me, you know my mobile number right? Just send me a message after you finish your sidang or if you have graduated. Just let me know
Aku: oke, mam. Thank you for interviewing me, it was a nice experience
Bu kris: thank you irfan..

Terus salaman, bubar. Setelah aku adalah anak upn cewek jenenge indriyana.
Yo moga moga wae lancer tekan user and med check,, soale mbiyen kasus mbak dea yo ngene iki. Ah iki keno nggo alasan nggo cepet2 pendadaran,

Semono wae seko mas irfan. Mugo mugo ono manfaate. Aku post mergo mau pas crito2 ora kabeh ono. Mbangane mbolan mbaleni crito mending tak tawakke ning pasar. Sopo reti laris


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